Whether you join weekly, monthly, or just occasionally, Chabad offers a full menu of activities throughout the year. You’ll find friendly faces,
great food, fun, and meaningful moments. Don’t hesitate to try something new! Everyone is welcome.
Welcome BBQ
Welcome freshmen to Guelph, and welcome back everyone else! At this annual event, Jewish students come together in a relaxed and informal setting. It’s a fantastic opportunity to meet other Jews and become a part of the “Chabad family.” Get some burgers, hotdogs, chicken wings, and French fries, and yes, there are veggie options available! Incoming students: don’t miss this!

RSVP: Text 'BBQ' on Chabad Bot

BLT- Bagels Lox ‘n Tefillin
This relaxed event for guys has “rolling admissions,” come as you are, come when you can. Nourish your body and soul as we wrap tefillin, say the Shema, and enjoy breakfast with all the trimmings. Bring your own tefillin or use ours. No prior experience necessary, we will help you! Each Sunday at Chabad.
Deli Parsha
Bite into an overstuffed deli sandwich while learning about the Torah portion of the week at this Monday afternoon lunch and learn on campus. Hear a short, relevant message from the weekly parsha. What’s your sauce game like?

RSVP: Text 'deliparsha' on Chabad Bot

Grill the Rabbi & Rebbetzin
A serious BBQ with some open conversation! Ask us those meaty questions while you’re helping yourself to the rabbi’s amazing BBQ eats. Nothing is too spicy to talk about, all topics are on the table! It’s no surprise that this is a fan favorite.
Girl Power, Jewish Style
  • Ladies Night Out events offer young Jewish women a chance to connect with other students while exploring the uniquely powerful traits of the Jewish woman. Through discussions, creative activities, and fun events, you will deepen your understanding of the Torah’s perspective on femininty.
  • Cookies & Conversations are evening hangouts with Mussie, where you can discuss anything and everything, from dating to life’s meaning and everything in between.
Sinai Scholars
This eight-class course gives students an adult level understanding of Judaism. Successful grads receive a stipend of $350 USD. Suitable whether you have a strong or totally limited Jewish educational background. Everyone learns a lot! The classes combine discussion and lecture in a relaxed atmosphere. Small classes ensure that everyone feels comfortable sharing and asking questions. Apply and check out the course outline at sinaischolars.com.
One-on-One Study
Both Rabbi Raphi and Mussie are available for individualized learning or conversation. You choose the time, place, and topic. Law? Ethics? Kabbalah? Relationships? No topics are out of bounds. We’d love to study with you. Message us to set up your time and place!

RSVP: Text 'Study' on Chabad Bot

Mezuzah Bank

Chabad at Guelph offers a free mezuzah for your dorm room or apartment. Ancient tradition teaches that this mitzvah brings blessing and serenity to your home. When you place a mezuzah on your door, you are introducing holiness and harmony into the world. 

We will help you hang the mezuzah (no nails needed!) and say the blessing. You put down a $40 deposit, returnable at the end of the year when you return the mezuzah. 

RSVP: Text 'Mezuzah' on Chabad Bot

Tefillin Bank
Are you ready to commit to wrapping tefillin on a regular basis, but unable to purchase your own due to financial constraints? The Chabad on Campus Tefillin Bank subsidizes 50% of the cost of the tefillin, up to $250. To apply for the grant, please fill out this form.

To learn more about the fundamental Mitzvah of Tefillin, please visit chabad.org/tefillin.
Grad & Young Professionals
We get it! Grad students and young professionals need their own thing. That's why we’ve curated unique programming just for you! Whether it’s a BBQ social, games night at the Boardroom, or a candlelit dinner in the sukkah we’re bringing like minded young Jews together! Contact us to join our whatsapp group to find community and stay in the loop!
Faculty & Staff
The University of Guelph is home to a wide spectrum of Jewish faculty & staff in every corner of campus. For years Jewish faculty have felt alone in their unique identity on campus. That's why we have recently established programming designed specifically for Jewish faculty & staff at the University of Guelph to create community, warmth, and connection!